

Why most of the training fails


Why do training fail?
We know this is a most discussed topic in learning and development fraternity and the question bothering every training manager, corporate and CEO.
Organisations invest heavily in terms of time and money in training, in order to develop their employees, to make them competent and let them handle most crucial job. However, even after spending lot of time and money, they fail to achieve the desired results.
We spoke to people from fraternities to understand why training fails and came to following conclusions:
1.       Improper training need analysis: Many organizations, training & HR managers do not do training need analysis properly. They are either not fully trained in the subject or they just ignore it as just a formality. An organization can analyze the training need based on the following information:
a.       Performance appraisal form: You must have a column in your performance appraisal form about kind of training and other development initiative. You should never ignore this. Speak to employees, speak to their peers rating them, speak to their reporting manager and draw a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan). Make a list of training required, give them rating as high priority, priority, mid priority and low priority and arrange training for them.
b.      Training need analysis (TNI):  There should be a proper training need analysis to be done on time to time basis. Many organizations do a mistake by doing it internally. Training need analysis should be always done externally through a competent agency. Employee may give a better response to an external and independent agency.
c.       Organisation goal: Check what has been your organization goal. Match it with the existing competencies of work force and their own career goal. Find the gap, decide the training and fill the gap.
2.       No budget allocation for training: Unfortunately many organizations do not have any budget assigned to training and development. Often this leads to handling the training activity in haphazard manner.
3.       No training effectiveness measurement: Organisations impart the training and forget about it. They do not map what training employee was sent, what he/she was supposed to do and whether the goal has been met. What is the point of imparting and spending on the training if we are not measuring its effectiveness?
4.       No ROI: Most organizations do not calculate return on investment on the training it has undertaken. An organization must calculate ROI in every training investment it makes. That gives proper sense. Count every money you spent.

5.       Training is not solution for everything: Unfortunately, most of the organizations feel that training is solution of every performance problem, which is not the case. Apart from lack of skills, it’s about environment, wrong job, attitude and other factors play important role.

6.       Accountability: People sent for training (specially MDPs, high end executive education training) often feel that this is a privilege they have got. They are not accountable for training. Sad, but true. This is loss of money. Example, someone sent to executive training at IIM will cost an organization around INR 250000 (approx. USD 2200) and that’s the huge cost. We are not considering productivity loss due to their absence from the job. Are they really using it back in their workplace? Have they improved work condition? If not, it is a huge loss.

7.       Forced training: Many times, especially MNCs are forced to adopt the training decided by the global team. Such training may not be required in a specific country as they have their own requirements. In such condition, this just becomes a formality. Best, speak to your global team, your HO and discuss what you want. will ensure effective training need analysis, provide right trainers you need for your organization at the cost budget you have and will undertake training effectiveness measurement. Connect to us at to know how we can help.

to know more about variety of trainings available, please visit 

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