

How they are on a mission to recreate green revolution and promote cow based agriculture

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It was a calm Sunday morning and our office phone rang. Shri Rajeshwar Rao was on other side.
He started the conversation in a very positive manner about our long cherished Indian culture, present society, ,quality of food, environment and present education system. We were so engrossed in our conversation that we lost track of time.
He discussed the current situation of food and our health and why centre for traditional education want to bring back our old cherished tradition where farmers were most respected, known as “Annadata”. Where they never committed suicide. It was worth a thought.

He continued:
I stay in Bangalore and you stay in Mumbai. Now tell me what are we gaining? We say it progress but is it really a progress? In the name of fruit we eat something injected with poison. In the name of food and vegetables, we eat lot of pesticides. Why there is sudden increase in number of case of cancer? Look at the quality of air and water. The water used to be fresh, clean, pure and savior of life, now it is mixed with various chemicals and impurities. To clean that, we put RO at home and these so called water purifiers removes all the minerals. Look at the taste of this water.

On farmer’s issue  
Indian economy has been primarily agriculture based on economy for thousands years and was a prosperous agricultural society throughout these times . Our society is dependent on farmers even now. When we started using pesticides, insecticides and genetically modified seeds in hope of earning more, these hemicals destroyed our soils and lives of farmers . Our farming techniques were high yielding and the natural fertilizers were gomutra and cow dungs known as gobar. We used to have surplus, high yielding seeds. Soon, in order to get more money, we forgot our own gau based farming and started using pesticides making agriculture expensive and highly unworthy for small farmers. We started injecting our cows with Oxytocin to get more and more milk and result is, poor quality of the milk. The same milk which strengthens our bone, physical and mental well being is now actually turning toxic for us. That’s why we want to promote the old,ancient gau based organic farming .

On education
He was quite blunt yet humble in expressing his view on current status of education. He says
“Look at the way education has been delivered overlast two centuries. I am not in objection of delivering education in English medium. I have objection with the way it is being imparted. In our Gurukul system, the main motto of education was overall physical and mental development. However, the current education system focuses on creating servant class and making “Macualy’s son” instead of making us proud son of Bharat Mata. Nobody wants to send kids to Gurukul system of education but we are committed to change status quo. I am also an engineer from prestigious NIT Warangal. I have corporate and business experience and I know importance of bringing back our culture and tradition. 

On Gau based farming
He was so passionate about this.He shares:
Cow is always useful for us, whether we are farmer or not. Whether it is Gomutra (Cow urine) which has various antiseptic and anti-bacterial property, Gobar (cow dung) is a rich source of fertilizer and also have germicidal property. Cow’s milk and milk products are rich source of vitamins, calcium and protein. We need to educate people about it. We need to tell our farmer brethren as well as society how cow based farming can decrease the cost of fertilisers , seeds, pesticides, insecticides to zero and can yield much better. When people realize the value, we can prevent our Gaumata from slaughtering and make our farmer community rich. We roped in Shri AkashChaurasiaji as he comes with extensive experience in the multi layer cow based farming. Akashji developed a model through his research and in such a way that one can earn approx Rs. 10.5 lakhs/ acre (1 acre = around 40000 Sq Feet of land). The crop is safe from any weed or pest attack. The total benefit a farmer earn is almost 10 times compared to what they earn now. He has also developed a system for water conservation and interception of soil flux which can recharge 10 lakhs sof water per acre and 4000 kgsof soil can stop the flow. He has provided training to more than 3,500 farmers across 16 countries.

Is there any religious touch to this?
He laughs.
Do you think I have a religious agenda behind this? Do you think CTE (Centre for Traditional Education) and Shivani Organics are doing this for religion? Absolutely not. Our all sessions are open for person of any religion who wish to learn and practice our thousands years old wisdom. We are not doing this for any profit. Our contribution to this program is just Rs. 300 per participants which will be used for meeting expenses of the venue including venue rent, equipment and completely organic lunch to be provided to the participants. The lunch cost itself is much more than what participants pay. We are surviving on donation of few good Samaritans who have come forward to help us.

How one can register for the event?
The event/ training is happening for 2 days i.e. 18th and 19th November 2017 at Bangalore. Participants can attend either day or both day but content of the training is same. The content will be delivered in Hindi. You may register as follows:

For 18th November:

for 19th November, 2017

We, at feel extremely proud for partnering such a great cause. We request all of you, irrespective of your profession or tradition or linguistic affiliation to attend such a wonderful session and cause.


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